Following the OECD Arrangement, Belgium’s ONDD has lowered its insurance premia for political risks related to medium/long-term export credits on Brazil and Colombia (from category 5 to category 4 out of 7) and on Azerbaijan, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Uruguay (from category 6 to category 5).

ONDD’s cover policy for these countries remains unchanged.
All the limitations for cover on Cameroon for export transactions with credit of more than two years (medium/long term) were discontinued. The cover ceiling for Cameroon amounts to €
300mn and the country remains in category 7 (out of 7).

ONDD has extended its cover capacities for export transactions with medium and long-term credit transactions on Romania. The cover ceiling has increased from €
450mn to €600mn. Within the framework of the OECD Arrangement, the premium category for medium and long term credit transactions remains unchanged (category 4 out of 7).

ONDD resumes cover for medium and long-term transactions with Ethiopia. Projects with a high profit-earning capacity, of priority to the economic development of the country and important to the Belgian economy shall be involved. The cover ceiling for Ethiopia amounts to €90mn for these transactions while the premium category remains unchanged (category 7 out of 7).