The insurance division of Omni Whittington Group BV has demerged from the group. The new holding company of the insurance business – Whittington Group Pte Limited – will be domiciled in Singapore and will benefit from a major injection of expansion capital.

The retained business of the Omni Whittington Group will be re-named ‘Omni Bridgeway Group’. The debt division will retain control over its highly profitable emerging market and sovereign debt business.

It will also retain its investment in the Lloyd’s business Managing Agency Partners Ltd. The sale will allow it to deploy substantially more capital into its retained business.

The financial strength will allow Omni’s debt business to further develop its ambition to act as investor in emerging market debt, ie, to purchase emerging market debt as a final investor.

The group holding company of Omni Bridgeway is based in The Hague in The Netherlands. The team in The Hague will continue with the debt business in the same composition.

For further information on corporate matters please contact:
Edward de Jager:; Walter Remmerswaal:

For further information on Omni Bridgeway’s services please contact:
Heleen Rijkens:
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