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Chambers of commerce in the French-speaking world are banding together to form an international association aimed at strengthening business ties among their members.

The Regional Chamber of Commerce of Quebec Entrepreneurs (CCREQ) has accepted the task of putting together a final agreement based on a preliminary memorandum of understanding agreed at the recent World Chambers Congress in Quebec.

“At a time of economic globalisation, forging more and stronger links between business people in the French-speaking world has become essential,” said Diane D éry, who chaired the congress organising committee. “Chambers of commerce in the French-speaking world have a special responsibility for promoting business and creating business networks wherever French is spoken.”

The new association was formed at the initiative of the CCREQ and Monaco’s Chamber for Economic Development. They are to combine their own networks to enhance their services aimed at the entire French-speaking business community.

They also plan to develop new services aimed at improving relations between French-speaking chambers and their members. They will encourage the spread of expertise designed to further technological development and strategic partnership among French-speaking companies.

The new association will use existing structures to develop its networks, including the World Chambers Congress – which next meets in Durban South Africa in 2005 – and the 2004 Summit of the French-speaking world.