Global Supply Chain Finance (GSCF) and Euler Hermes World Agency have jointly launched a global sales co-operation to expand companies’ use of supply chain finance solutions.

GSCF is a service provider of receivables and payables based financing programmes, working with multiple funders and credit insurers, with Euler Hermes being the primary insurer. The co-operation enables GSCF to ask Euler Hermes for introductions to companies suitable to their financing programmes. “We believed that many of Euler Hermes’ clients would benefit from our financing solutions and Euler Hermes also knew that via GSCF’s financing programmes there would be additional opportunities to provide credit insurance cover to new names,” says Kendall Stevens, CEO of GSCF.

Stevens explains that the investors backing GSCF’s Alternative Distribution Financing have enabled the company to plug its liquidity gap and turn attention to growth, actively pursuing companies that it believes would benefit from its programmes.

Euler Hermes can benefit from the co-operation by increasing their credit insurance cover via GSCF’s financing programmes. “At Euler Hermes, we fully trust GSCF’s risk sensitive processes and real-time monitoring of programmes, and greatly value the transparency provided through their impressive technology and automated alerting system,” says Marcel van den Akker, director of Euler Hermes World Agency (Northern Europe).