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In order to strengthen its development efforts, Burundi has undertaken the reconstruction and modernisation of its administration, which has been hard hit by the socio-political crisis prevailing since October 1993. A grant by the African Development Fund (ADF) will help the country implement a capacity building programme.

The UA2.13mn grant, equivalent to US$3.12mn, will finance coordinated training and procurement of equipment for institutions in charge of economic management and the civil society.

The project will help the government build capacities to formulate, implement and monitor economic policies. Specifically, the project aims to develop and consolidate capacities in macroeconomic planning, public investment programming and strengthening of the statistical system by focusing on the development of human resources, improvement of managerial procedures and modernisation of working tools.

The project is a response to the deep socio-political crisis Burundi has been facing since October 1993.

This crisis has had severe consequences on the economic and social fabric of the country.

The country’s institutional capacities have been eroded over the years translating into the disorganisation of the administration, loss of motivation of government employees as well as the deterioration of the working tools.

On the other hand, the project will prepare the ground for a full resumption of the African Development Bank group’s cooperation with Burundi and facilitate its access to the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative. The project constitutes therefore an instrument for increased dialogue with the government on the problem of arrears.