Tejari Jordan, which recorded double digit growth during the last 12 months, plans to launch three new procurement services, Tejari Expert, Tejari Link and Tejari Tender within the next quarter, according to Yazan Hatamleh, Tejari Jordan’s managing director.
Tejari Expert is a strategic consulting service aimed at increasing cost savings for companies that have already migrated to online procurement. The service provides a comprehensive overview of procurement for large buyers currently trading on Tejari Jordan that can save them 15% in online procurement.
A second offering, Tejari Link is aimed at creating online procurement opportunities for the region’s thousands of small-to-medium-sized businesses. Tejari Jordan has identified a specific need for Tejari Link as more than 80% of Jordanian businesses are part of the SMB segment.
Tejari Tender is a paperless tender service, which enables large tender documents to be created and viewed more quickly and efficiently online. This new solution is particularly relevant to Jordan’s construction industry as US$5bn in construction initiatives have recently been announced, including a US$1bn new downtown area for Amman.
“Tejari Jordan is launching these three new services to meet specific market demands and conditions as they address the online procurement needs of the smaller organisations as well as the largest enterprises in the country. Increased awareness about the benefits of online procurement as well as new offerings such as these will continue to spur Tejari Jordan’s growth throughout 2006,” adds Hatamleh.
According to Saqib Iqbal, chief operating officer of Tejari, “e-Tender will tie together all the materials needed for major infrastructure projects and centralise the procurement. Smaller companies will have easier access to online procurement through our Tejari Link.”
With more than 150 new organisations trading via Tejari Jordan since mid-2004, Tejari Jordan is witnessing its most significant membership increases across such sectors as financial services, manufacturing, insurance and government.
“Tejari Jordan’s growth is mirroring that of the country’s economy, and its increased emphasis on e-government. Growing numbers of Jordanian businesses are realizing that online procurement is an efficient way for them to reduce costs and save transaction time by automating their buying processes,” concluded Yazan Hatamleh.
Over the past 12 months, organisations such as Alzai Manufacturing, Aramex, Jordan Bank, Jordan Kuwaiti Bank, Arab Orient Insurance, Commercial Bank of Jordan and Estarta have all come on board. Tejari is also targeting new members in the aviation and fast-moving consumer goods sectors.