GTR’s 40 Best Deals of 2007 are showcased in the following pages. Power, telecoms, metals and oil were outright winners sector-wise, while regionally there was a good spread all round.


Once again inundated with nominations for GTR’s Best Deals of 2007 awards, we sliced the lists down to a mere 40 winners, the same number as for 2006.


Compared to 2006’s winners 2007’s are pretty much on an even plane as far as regions and sectors.


Eastern Europe – Russia and Ukraine – take nine out of the total number, while Asia Pacific as a region accounts for seven, with Latin America – mostly Argentina and Brazil, with one in Peru – claiming six.


Sub-Saharan Africa claims six winners, with a good spread of countries involved: Angola, Madagascar, Mauritania, Mozambique, Nigeria and Tanzania.


South Asia, with India hotly in lead position, claims five deals.


Debut countries this year include Georgia, Macedonia, Madagascar, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.